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About-Kind of

Hello, this is my blog and you’re the reader who would never read it.

I had the CristiShady blog many years ago, as my first self-hosted website, which I used for approximately 2 years.

In 2011, I thought I was over Cristi Shady and wanted to open a new chapter in my life so naturally, I allowed this domain name to expire while I had set my horizons on new ventures.

I had decided to buy the domain name back out of nostalgia if anything, and maybe to write here things that are crossing my mind.

I am not always right, I do not always have the most popular opinions and sometimes I might talk nonsense, but whatever I put down here, there are my thoughts and feelings-nothing faked, nothing stretched.

English ain’t my first language so the grammatical structure won’t be up to standard at all times-while I do my best, It is what is.

Maybe I will came back to add in this section, maybe I won’t-but at least now it ain’t just a generic spanglish page writen as a demonstration page by the theme coders.