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Last night

Got some pretty shitty dreams last night. It seems like no matter how hard I try to get past some things in my life, they find their way back.

Do they try to tell me something? Is there anything from that past that I need to use now? Are there any red flags around me that I am either underestimating or didin’t notice? Either way, the real punishments of the conscience catches up with us. I can’t die, not yet.

I still have things to do and people who need me. Maybe I need to realise that I need myself, or maybe I need a break from life. I don’t know what good that will do to me-having free time off work just make things worse.

For now, I’ll just consume my sorrow in some italian bought biscuits with pistachio cream on top of them and contemplating if I should download the Mana games just added to gamepass or skip them entirely.

Decisions, decisions.

Published inWishes

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